Emergency Protection Orders

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You can get an EPO 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In an emergency, call 911.

An Emergency Protection Order (EPO) is a kind of no contact order that helps protect Albertans from family members committing family violence. They are described in Alberta’s Protection Against Family Violence Act. An EPO can order the person causing harm to stay away from you, stop contacting you and move out of the family home. EPOs are for emergency and urgent situations.

You can apply for an EPO if you are experiencing family violence by a family member that is serious or requires immediate help. To apply, all the following must be true:

  1. A family member has committed family violence.
  2. You have reason to believe the family member causing harm (the respondent) will continue or resume carrying out the family violence.
  3. The situation is serious or urgent such that you need a court order right away to protect you and your family. This usually means the family violence happened recently.

How to Apply for an EPO | Contents of an EPO | Review Hearings | Frequently Asked Questions | Important Contact Information

How to Apply for an EPO

You can get an EPO 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A Provincial Court judge or justice of the peace can grant an EPO in person or over the phone. The process to apply is different in each city or town. Besides the options listed below, you can also contact your local police or RCMP station, or a Victim Services’ Unit in your area. You can contact your lawyer if you have one.

In Edmonton

  • during business hours, contact Legal Aid Alberta’s Emergency Protection Order Program (by phone or in person)
  • after hours, weekends or statutory holidays (by phone or in person), contact the Edmonton Hearing Office (till midnight only) or the Calgary Hearing Office (midnight to 8am)

In Calgary

  • during business hours, contact Legal Aid Alberta’s Emergency Protection Order Program (by phone or in person)
  • after hours, weekends or statutory holidays, contact the Calgary Hearing Office (by phone or in person)

TIP | If you live in Calgary, review maps about applying for an EPO and the review hearing, created by the Calgary Domestic Violence Collective.

Elsewhere in Alberta

  • during business hours, go to the nearest Provincial Court building
  • after hours, weekends or statutory holidays, contact the Hearing Office for your part of the province (till midnight) or the Calgary Hearing Office (24 hours)

Applying by Phone

If you are applying for an EPO by phone, you must fill out a Telephone Application for an Emergency Protection Order form. You must email the form and a copy of your government-issued identification (front and back) to the Hearing Office you contact.

TIP | See below for important contact information for Legal Aid Alberta, the Hearing Offices and more.

Family members and family violence are specifically defined for the purposes of an EPO.

The Protection Against Family Violence Act says the following are family members for the purpose of an EPO:

  • someone you are or were married to
  • someone you are or were in an adult interdependent relationship with
  • someone you live with or have lived with in an intimate relationship
  • a parent of your child, regardless of whether you have lived with that person
  • someone you are related to by blood, marriage, adoption or an adult interdependent relationship (including adult children and in-laws)
  • a child in your care and custody
  • someone you live with who has care and custody over you

You cannot get an EPO against someone you are dating UNLESS you live together in an intimate relationship or you have children together. You also cannot get an EPO against someone you live with but are not intimate with (such as a roommate). You can still report violence to the police or get other orders to keep these people away.

The Act says that family violence includes:

  • actions that injure someone or damage property AND that intimidate or harm a family member
  • any act or threat of an act that intimidates a family member by creating a reasonable fear of property damage or injury to a family member
  • forced confinement (such as being locked in a room with no way out)
  • sexual abuse
  • stalking (including repeated, harassing contact)

Family violence does not include a parent correcting a child by using force if the force is reasonable in the situation.

Contents of an EPO

A judge or justice of the peace decides whether to grant you an EPO and what it should say, all based on the situation.

An EPO can:

  • require the family member causing harm to stop entering or going near your home, workplace, children’s school or any other places you regularly go
  • require the family member causing harm to stop contacting and communicating with you and other people named in the order
  • give you exclusive possession of your family home, even if your name is not on the lease or title
  • give police authority to remove the family member causing harm from your family home
  • give police authority to seize and store weapons used or threatened to be used to commit family violence

Review Hearings

Within 9 working days of the order being granted, a justice in the Court of King’s Bench will review the EPO at a review hearing. The EPO will say the date of the review hearing.

The respondent can attend the review hearing and share their story. The court will review all the evidence, including the transcript of your application for the EPO.

At the review hearing, the court will do one of four things:

  • cancel the order
  • confirm the order (so that it continues)
  • order you and the respondent to attend an oral hearing (a court appearance where you and the respondent will give oral evidence), or
  • cancel the order and grant a King’s Bench Protection Order to replace it.

The review hearing will go ahead even if you or the respondent are not there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the family member causing harm know about the order?

What does the judge think about?

How long does an EPO last?

What happens if the family member does not follow the EPO?

What is the difference between an EPO and a King’s Bench Protection Order (KBPO)?

Important Contact Information

Legal Aid Alberta’s Emergency Protection Order Program

  • Edmonton: call 1.780.422.9222 or go to the Edmonton Law Courts building
  • Calgary: call 1.403.297.5260 or go to the Calgary Court Centre building

Edmonton Hearing Office (for everyone north of Wetaskiwin)

  • Open 8am to midnight
  • Phone: 1.780.422.3699
  • Email: hearingoffice.edmonton@gov.ab.ca

Calgary Hearing Office (for everyone in Wetaskiwin and south)

  • Open 24 hours a day
  • Phone: 1.403.297.4444
  • Email: hearingoffice.calgary@gov.ab.ca

Provincial Courts in Alberta

Find a location near you on the Alberta Courts website.

Victims Services Units

To find support near you, call 310.0000 or search online.