Being a Support to Someone Experiencing Abuse

Home » Being a Support to Someone Experiencing Abuse

There are many ways you can help someone experiencing abuse.

  • If the person is in danger, call 911.
  • Start a conversation. Do it somewhere safe and private. Be gentle and kind. You can start by simply letting the person know you care for them. Ask them questions that show you are concerned, supportive and someone they can talk to.
  • Talk about specific behaviours or incidents you know of. For example: “I noticed the way your partner reacted when I dropped you off late last time we went out. It was a little scary to me to see how angry they were. Do they react like that often?” Often a person experiencing abuse will defend the person causing harm. Let them know you’re concerned about them.
  • Offer resources and information. Remember though, you cannot ‘fix’ the situation. Connect the person with resources in the community that can help them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it abuse if someone I know has a partner who is a jerk?

How can I help someone who is not ready to leave their relationship?

Should I get involved if I know someone is experiencing abuse?

Is it their fault if they provoke the abuse?

Why do people stay in abusive relationships? Why won’t they just leave?